Movie Review: Detective Pikachu


Detective Pikachu is cute, adorable and makes you laugh at times but is there anything more to it? Hmm...I don't think so.

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The plot of the movie is a well-known one, Tim (Justice Smith) investigates his father's disappearance along with a Pikachu (Ryan Reynolds) which leads them to discover many truths. There's no major twists and turns in the story and you easily predict what's gonna happen.

The good part about the movie is CGI. Every character is crafted with detail and all of them look as adorable as our protagonist- Pikachu. The animation of the movie deserves huge credit and of course the cinematography as well. The other good or maybe the best part of the movie is Ryan Reynolds. He brings life to the character- the innocence, wit, and charm are delivered exactly as required and never over-the-top.

The other characters though aren't as charming as him. Justice Smith is ok. Kathryn Newton gets an age-old cliche role, though she tries her best it somehow doesn't impress you. I really liked the Psyduck character though.

The main drawback of the movie is its story and screenplay. It was predictable with cliche scenes such as Daddy's-not-dead thing, Tortella gardens coming alive and the journalist (Newton) character. I know it's target audience is kids and teens but we had The Jungle Book and many other such movies with a great storyline, a good screenplay enhances the movie and makes it great.

Overall, its a one time watch according to me. If you are looking for serious cinema, this one is definitely not for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a fun, casual entertainer- you can very well go for it. Pokemon fans, you are the ones who shouldn't miss this one.

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